Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
You're gonna miss that all-in-one package the first day you do a double or triple.

I NEVER said I was getting rid of the 2000 . . . No WAY ! I STILL plan to utilize the PSR2000 for those shorter program, smaller setting, multiple gigs/day venues.
Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
I sure hope you have a return policy on that Tyros .....
I'm not stupid. My dealer's given me a 30 day RISK FREE return policy which includes a 100% refund if (for ANY reason) the Tyros doesn't work out for me.
Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
If you are adding extra bulk by having external on speakers, why not just lug and extra keyboard around that adds another dimension that way? maybe a dedicated 76 or 88 note piano will be a good addition to your larger setup, and the smaller ones just use the psr alone.
The weight of the Tyros speakers is only 12 lbs, so the weight of the ENTIRE Tyros package (including speakers) is actually LESS than many of the other top end arrangers which INCLUDE the 'built in' speakers. Ok, so big deal, the setup/breakdown time might add another 3-5 minutes, but for the larger venue gigs, I think it's worth the minor setup hassle to gain the many added features and improved sound, the Tyros offers.
I think I've really done my homework: assessing all MY keyboard needs, researching & comparing features, as well as auditioning (playing at length) all the other arranger KB contenders in person, and the Tyros comes out on top. Ok, though I'm very confident that the Tyros will work out perfectly for me, I still realize that only by taking it out for a 'real life' test drive, will I know if it's REALLY RIGHT for me or not. This is where that 30 day refund & return policy comes in.
Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
Ahh, who knows .... who cares ...... it's just alot of words for the same old story. "New Toys" ... Be happy.
You got THAT Right.

I haven't had a NEW keyboard toy is Sooooooo long now (a year), so I deserve this.