First of all, welcome and hello to all members who visit and contribute to this forum and have ENGLISH as their SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL).
T feel that in translating your thoughts into English, much of your feeling and/or intent gets LOST in the translation. When I read others' words I feel anxiety because I know that some of you are struggling to use just the right words. Now unfortunately, when those who use ESL read your words, they reinterpret them into their own language/thoughts and the original intent is now somewhat twisted.
This seems to go back and forth until one is sniping at another. And on and on it goes. This is very frustrating for me because it takes away from the pleasure of reading everyone's opinon without having to read all the personal attacks.
I am in no way suggesting that any member stop posting or leave the forum. What I am asking for is more consideration and respect for others. This seems to be a more international forum than ever before. Since the language of communication here is English, we must try to understand each other as best we can. That includes holding back some of our words that might be considered snippy or snide.