Well, I started out with Lazy, Hazy, etc. and went from there ... played tunes from the 40's, 50's, 'deck tunes' (Buffet, etc.), Motown, line dance, just about every style ... all 'up' tempo except for "After The Lovin'" and a special request for "My Way" ... The Seniors, and just as importantly the people who hired me, loved it and I booked 2 Christmas parties, and a possible dinner dance ...
It was fun to play outdoors (hadn't done that in a while) with no worries about the volume being too loud ...
The temp was about 90 degrees and I was a little concerned about how the kn6000 would get through it, but I was set up under a beautiful shade tree and there was a slight breeze ... I also had a big fan blowing under the kb, just in case ... The 'slide' that adjusts the shading on the screen made viewing it no problem...
It all went well ...

Wish I had another outdoor gig tomorrow ...

thnx for all your suggestions ...