Hello All,
Every Christmas Day at 3pm The Queen addresses the nation. All very pleasant and traditional.
The other day I was chatting with a group of my friends and the subject of the Queens speech came up. One of said group (to much hilarity from the rest of us) announced that if he could have any job it would be to be Queen. We reasoned that he would have to be King but he was having none of it! (Gives you an idea of the calibre of my friends I suppose
Anyhow I came home and wrote a little ditty for him. It is a little rough I know but is done in the spirit of humour and CERTAINLY no disrespect is intended to Her Maj.
Hope you enjoy this bit of fun. I think I may trim it and tidy it a little and then present it to my friend next time we meet. (Well if it gets a thumbs up I will
) Thumbs down and it will be consigned to history.....My friends YOU DECIDE
I Want to be Queen Best wishes