Hello........Check out the link below. It is Georg's I-style homepage. He has many of his own styles you can download. He also has a wonderful organ sound file there too! Check out the links on the bottom of his page. You might find more sounds there. Good luck -- CHARLEY
His website address is:
http://www.fortunecity.de/kraftwerk/boxhamsters/215/index.html You might also wish to subscribe to a Korg user e-mail group/forum I also belong to. You can ask the group the same question you asked here. This group has members from around the world. These are really cool friendly people who enjoy sharing their Korg knowledge. Just send an e-mail to the address below with your question. If you want to subscibe to the group and get everyone's questions and answers in your e-mail, then send another request with the word "subscribe" in the subject line. I enjoy reading all the replies and have learned a few things too! Best wishes.
Here's the group's address: