A number of folks, including myself, have had trouble reading the Data Manual for the PSR2000/1000. I sent a note to Yamaha and pointed out the problem. They responded saying that I needed to use Acrobat reader 5.0 AND install the Japanese Font Pack. I had the 4.0 reader so I upgraded to the 5.0 reader. That didn't solve the problem; you really do need the font pack. I looked for that at the Adobe site and it wasn't that easy to find. When you go to download the 5.0 version, look at the international options. There you will find the Asian Font Pack and in that you can download Korean, Chinese, or Japanese fonts. After all that was done, I was able to read the manual perfectly fine. (By the way, if you do NOT register with Adobe, you won't be able to download the font pack, so don't forget that step.)