You didn't mention which OS you have or which ISP you have. If you have Windows XP Go into the Control Panel and click "Network Connections" then as Tony said right click your ISP icon that's giving you trouble and select Properties. Go to the 'Options' Tab and under 'Redialing Options' make sure that 'Idle time before hanging up' is set to never. If you have Windows 98/SE double click the 'My Computer' Icon on your screen and then click on 'Dial-up Networking'. On the General Tab under 'Connect using:' click Configure and then on the 'Connection Tab' under "Call Preferences" make sure the 'Disconnect a call if idle for more than' box is Un-checked.
Also if you have AOHELL, excuse me; AOL

(which I don't)

AOL has a time limiting feature in it's settings that you will need to make sure is configured properly too.
Best regards,
PS: As TonyW suggests, you may want to consider an ISP alternative if you continue to have problems with your current one. Just make sure you steer clear of AOL is my advice.

If you have it now, that is all the more reason to consider an alternative.

Best regards,