#170645 - 05/29/06 10:10 PM
Re: Midifiles: What do you do when you change keyboards?
Senior Member
Registered: 11/25/00
Posts: 1211
Loc: Queretaro, Mexico
Hi Rikki:
I did owned not just 2 SD1s, also a X1 too, well, the midi file re-voiced in song setup in the SD1+ has only the instructions of those changes only for the Ketron, but the midi file remains unchanged unless you remaped the voices an d controllers in the PC with any secuencer program such like Cake/Sonar, etc....I did changed the few midi files I did use in it, but in the PC, I also find that I have more control even in the dynamics, fx, etc... As an example for my own experince is: in the Reverb (control 91) to have a decent reverb in the SD1 you must set up at least 100-127 value(from 0-127), but in the case of the Yamaha Arrangers like the PSR3000, T2, you need less, around 50-70 depending on how much FX you like, each manufacturer FX procesor has diferent sensibilities, also may I point that also the note velocity response is diferent, I have to lower it if I play a file in the Yamaha, somewhere 50-80 note velocity range is ok, more, sounds overdriving it, but velocity ranges between 100-127 are just fine for the Ketron. Needless to say, I do recomend to make the adjusments to each midi file in each track in the PC, well, at least I do it like that, perhaps because I am very picky. In the drum maps, I still use the PC, because sometimes you get a file that has an annoying clap that should be a snare ( as an example), that, only can be remap in the PC with the Piano roller mode, is a very fast procedure, this is not posible to do in the SD1+ yet, only change the drum kit and volume, fx overall.
Or you get a cymbal that is a little to loud, or the hihats to low, well, I use the Cals (Bustdrum), so, I make the note velocity adjustment and that is it.
#170648 - 05/30/06 09:02 PM
Re: Midifiles: What do you do when you change keyboards?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi, thanks guys for the suggestions.
mdorantes, thank you for the suggestions on the sd1+. I'm still discovering features on this keyboard, I didn't know it had. Haven't bothered with the internal sequencer as yet, I've got a few low cost p.c. sequencers that I'm a bit more familiar with, so I will stick to editing in those.
Hi Donny, I think if I need to edit & remap every single one to gm, it will take me the next 5 years ( haa haa). I've got about 400 of them. Fortunately they're all by the same manufacturer & created for a particular instrument, bad news is they're not general midi, so I thought that, instead of trying to remap the songs to gm, I'll remap my sd1 user drums & voices to the songs mapping. Then with a bit of luck, I may only need to finetune the occassional one. Bizzare female logic?? or wishfull thinking. Probably the latter. haa haa
Hi Esh, great idea doing mp3's. I wish that I'd thought to create some mp3 backing tracks of some of my favourite songs before I sold my KN7. Even though I kept all of my old styles, they don't convert terribly well and I can't get them sounding anywhere near as good as the original.
thanks guys.
best wishes Rikki
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022