Jim Eshleman is around but mostly frequents other Forums from what I understand. I think Roel got ticked off at the bickering and quit because of it. John Smies was elderly wasn't he? He may have some health issues going on and not able to participate. There were several folks that frequented the Zone that had the PSR 9000PRO and I think the name of the one you may be referring to Tom was named Dennis if I'm not mistaken - and I probably am... mistaken that is.
It would be nice if all of them could stay and participate but things change, people change, circumstances change, and life goes on. For the ones that have left (many would say to greener pastures
) ->> at least perhaps some of the ones that left might have rationalized it that way - but they would be wrong in my opinion.
I wish them well as all of us do and hope they are okay and doing fine. And I also hope there are no continued hard feelings (if there were any) and that if the opportunity presents itself that they would stop by and say hello, and once again lend their voice of expertise to the ongoing discussions of arranger keyboards and other music related topics.
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 10-21-2007).]