I bought a Yamaha FC7 expression pedal a little over a week ago. I plugged it in to my Tyros' number #3 'Volume' pedal slot, started up the Tyros, pressed the Direct Access button and immediately the Tyros recognized the FC7. The volume raised and lowered accordingly and everything was jim dandy.
Okay, so I don't use the FC7 for a few days and all of a sudden I go to use it and - nothing. The volume won't raise or lower and the FC7 isn't recognized at all by my Tyros, i.e. it doesn't respond after pressing the Direct Access button and stepping on the pedal, there is no volume up or down, no nothing. I'm thinking, well.. maybe the FC7 went bad somehow. I take it back to GC and ask the salesman if I could hook it up to a Tyros on display to see if it's the pedal or if it's my Tyros that has the problem. He agrees and I hook it up to the Tyros on display and press the Direct Access button and again the Tyros at GC immediately recognizes the FC7.
I returned the FC7 instead of exchanging it for another one (as I was thinking the FC7 could have an intermitent connectivity problem and a new one might solve my dilemma) BUT I didn't want to take the chance of a new one doing the same thing because more than likely my Tyros is at fault and not the FC7. I get the new one home and my guess is it will do the same thing because the quirk lies with the Tyros - (I'm rationalizing this in my head as to why I don't want exchange the FC7 for another one). Insert - [scratching my head with a bewildered look on my face] here.
So have any other Tyros owners who also own and use the Yamaha FC7 Volume/Expression pedal with their Tyros ever experience the same anomaly? For instance; I also use a VFP1/25 and PS-15 pedals on my Tyros and have NEVER experienced loss of function on either one for over two years and counting.
Now all of a sudden when trying to use a Yamaha FC7 expression pedal which should be the apex of compatibility with my 'Yamaha' Tyros I get nothing but flakiness. Go figure...
PS: If there is a solution to make the FC7 pedal work without any further glitches I would like to try one again, as the pedal itself has a nice feel to it and it seems to be built very solidly - except for not working on a consistent basis of course.

Btw, for a test I hooked up my VFP1/25 pedal to the #3 pedal slot and it works fine, i.e. recognized by the Tyros and even functions with Glide, etc. although not the Volume function which it's not suppose to anyway.

Thoughts, opinions and/or solutions to the FC7 working on a consistent basis with the Tyros are welcomed and appreciated. If not, I may have to end up getting a non-Yamaha expression pedal like the Roland EV-5 which even though costing more and from another Manufacturer it has no problem being recognized by the Tyros. The big question though is will it conk out on me like the Yamaha FC7 did after a short period. In other words; why would the FC7 lose connectivity after at first working fine? Could it be the Pedal or rather the Tyros that is the problem?,, Tyros or Pedal... Pedal or Tyros... Where do you think the problem lies??? And is there a 'permanent' solution for the FC7 working 'consistently' on the Tyros? Thanks for any help or advice anyone can offer..
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 12-17-2004).]