Howdy. Nice to some fellow Korgians.
So, I've had the n364 for about 5yrs and made some really nifty stuff with it. But I need more sounds. I confess I haven't really edited my existing ones (Any tips on that? Seems my old Roland Alpha Juno 2 was more user friendly in editing sounds, given its simplicity.) I notice there are some sound patches available out there, but I've personally never had any experience buying them or loading them.
I don't want to get a CD Rom of sounds-- I do have a sampler, but I know how much time it takes to cut up and place the buggers. Besides, samples are not as dynamic as '364 patches, with the subtle differences in velocity and such. (That's also my reservation about downloading sounds, about which I know nothing) So:
Who do you guys like as far as sounds go? Heard some good things about Pro-Rec: Any good?
Also, assuming I do get discs I can load right into my '364, where do the sounds go?? Do I have to over-write my precious patches?
So, basically, I'm looking to breathe new life into a great machine. I want to widen my palette (esp better leads, trancier electro stuff, better drums, orchestrals). Getting a bit put off by the small display and 16 track limit, but that's a software concern probably best served another day.
Thanks, in any case, for the forum.