I'm not real sure what you are asking so here are 2 solutions. Maybe one will work. First, synths and PC software writes in different formats, 0 and 1. I don't remember which is which but synths writes everything to one track where Cakewalk will seperate the tracks. If you go to SAVE AS in Cakewalk it will allow you to save to whatever format you need. Then you can save to floppy and use in your synth's sequencer. If this is not the problem you can try using different Bank numbers. I'm not sure about the n264 but for Korg and Cakewalk Bank A is 0, GM bank is 7168, and Drum bank is 7968. Your statement about "trying to record different sounds on my external sequencer" is throwing me. The problem is problably not your equipment or software. If this helps let me know.