#173936 - 12/20/03 11:33 AM
Re: Korg Pa1X Pro
Registered: 09/23/02
Posts: 109
One thing I think you should all keep in mind is that this is NOT a Korg US product. The PA series - all versions - are designed, produced and built by Korg Italy !! Italy is - based on my dealings with them and the PA80 - not in the slightest bit interested in customer service or suppport. They seldom are involved in user groups or forums and posts of an 'official' nature NEVER happen !! What little info one gets is from 'people associated with the product' - as individuals and in an unnofficial capacity. They'll do it when they get around to it !! Sure they've released a few OS upgrades for the PA80, but that was over a 2 year period. I happen to like the PA80, but then I've also done a lot of work for and with the PA80 users over the last couple of years converting programs, styles etc. BTW - I don't use it much any more either !!
I would tend to believe that Korg Italy ain't the best at releasing this stuff. In a way it's a shame that Jerry and Korg US gets the bad rap for something they really have little control over - as I found jerry to be pretty darn reasonable !!
I would think that the PA1X will be a pretty decent machine - EVENTAALLY !! So, my advice, FWIW would be like applex says, "ssve your money" for the time being. Wait for the price to drop and the support to be there !!
Let Jerry K, tell you when you should try to buy in the US. Happy Holidays to all !!
Regards, Steve
[This message has been edited by S0C9 (edited 12-20-2003).]
#173937 - 12/21/03 12:23 AM
Re: Korg Pa1X Pro
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
I agree with Steve. The only difference for me is that I still use my PA80 a lot. I was ready to return it within two weeks after I had purchased it, because the OS was so incomplete. Fortunately, the timing was right for me and OS 2.0 was released right before I was going to bring it back. It worked out for the best, because it's still my favorite arranger, for now.
Still, that's a strange way to market stuff. I don't agree with those who advocate patience or think that making a complaint is wrong.. especially if I've already plunked down a substantial amount my hard earned cash ( as a few of those overseas apparently have ). Nope. Not me. I want the product to do what it says " on the tin", meaning what was advertised..WHEN it becomes available for me to buy, not six months or a year later.
Minor fixes and upgrades are to be expected and I would welcome them. Major functions missing ? That is not acceptable to me. My PA 80 could not create internal song or style based sequences, user voices, or user styles in it's original OS version when I purchased it. Those are major features in an arranger. Many of the important functions didn't come out in OS upgrades until many months after the board was released.
I like the Korg arrangers a lot vs any of their counterparts, but I won't ever buy such an incomplete product again, or " hold my breathe " waiting for it to do what it's supposed to. It won't happen again, not to me. At least to my preferences and tastes, Yamaha has improved upon it's styles and sounds on it's latest releases, so I no longer see a big gap between the two. I'd like to wait for the PA1x speaker version to come out as a full featured board, not a beta board. If history repeats itself though, the PSR3000 will be likely be out and fully functional long before the PA1x speaker version has an updated OS that includes the abilility use of all major functions. If the PSR 3k has somewaht decent feeling keys and is fully functioanl before the PA1x is, I'll gladly buy it instead.
#173941 - 12/21/03 02:46 PM
Re: Korg Pa1X Pro
Registered: 11/29/03
Posts: 145
Loc: Belgium
Originally posted by keybplayer: It would be interesting to hear from JJ and know what he thinks about all this. Does JJ work for Korg? Is that why he distances himself from negative talk about the PA1X PRO?!?!? He had one of the first PA1X PRO's on the planet so possibly he has inside connections with Korg or he works for Korg in some capacity. Or perhaps he doesn't work for Korg, etc., but maybe he got disgusted like Applex has and he sold it or returned it already therefore he has nothing to talk about? 
Best regards, Mike Hello Mike, I like your sense of humour ... As far as you know , I hate discussion and specially barren discussions. But, now you are a sympathic man and I go to answer you  1°) First of all , I have nothing to do with Korg or with Yamaha or with Roland.... I'm only a musician thats loves to play .......with good synths or KB.. 2°) I'm also a positive man and the reason because I do not want give my advice is that I think that some people here are too much negative for me ...In French we say : Cela dépend si la bouteille est à moitié pleine ou à moitié vide... I prefer to think that the bottle is "half full"...That's more positive. 3°)Yes, I still have the Korg in home and I am very glad of this KB.It sound terrific .More demos are coming soon 4°)When I bought the PaX1, I KNEW that this KB was'nt complete. So I assumed my purchase ! And I have no regrets.... I don't understand why Mr Applex bought an uncomplete KB for his eyes....For information, he complaints on the german forum and he received the same answer . 5°)All the things that are missing on the present model are extra charges : MP3,.... 6°)It is certainly not my last KB, but I can say for the moment that it is for me one of the best. For example the control of the tracks in direct play is terrific... Like a guy said to Mr Applex at the German Forum , I want to say the next : If somedy have a PAX1 Pro, I will change it with pleasure and give him my ex-Yamaha 9000 Pro... Voilà, Mike , are you satisfied with my candid answer ? I hope so, because it took me a lot of time  Best regards, JJ
#173942 - 12/21/03 03:56 PM
Re: Korg Pa1X Pro
Registered: 09/23/02
Posts: 109
Tom, I don't use the PA80 much any more for a number of reasons - none of which have to do with my like/dislike of the board. #1 - with 4 kids (7 -> 16) I'm first an foremost a transportation service... that is VERY time consuming. So far, I've only been able to be in TWO places at once !!  I'm working on three !! LOL. #2 - I've also been very busy with the band. This have benn going well, and I play guitar (my primary instrument), not key with the band. #3 - I've had a Triton Studio for almost a year, and I've been scratching at the surface of that, which obviously takes time away from the PA80. #4 - spent summer months recording demos of the band using my D1600 recorder. This again has take time away from other things. I still love to play the PA80 when I can, but time is limited. I do use it when I jam [albeit infrequently] with "the guys", mainly to provide backing rythyms, not as a featured instrument. It's great tho', to be able to pick a style and just go. Can't beat that !! And I, unlike some others of note, have no issues with the sounds on the PA80 at all. Regards, Steve