oh my god?!
I guess because I'm the one that prompted this thread in the first place, I'd better post something .

Here's a quick (yeah right*!?) rundown. If I somehow overlooked someone, it certainly wasn't intentional.
Dreamer (Andrea Rotolo): An intellegent multi talented guy (he's a doctor & photographer as well as musician) who has initiated many thought provoking threads. We've even had the opportunity to speak (by internet telephone Rome/San Francisco).
Roel deJonge: My buddy from way back (Technics Canada days) who has generously shared his studio recording knowledge with me. I always respect what he has to say and enjoy his music (performed with his partner
Wieste) as well.
Sander Thalen: Smart 17 year old with a bright musical future. If he could just somehow figure out how to keep his aquarium fish alive.

Kmac: Keyboardist extraordinaire: featured keyboard artist at the Technics Worldwide Concert held in the UK a couple of years ago. Thanks for all the support you've given.
Gunnar: My foremost Technics KN5000 buddy. Are you still planning to wait for the next KN keyboard to come out before upgrading, or have we enticed you enough with Yamaha PSR2000 to convince you to give it a try?

AJ Ketron (Prince): enjoyed the times we had chatting by phone and comparing notes/testing arrangers: Technics, Ketron SD1, etc. This guy is truly a prince and a gentleman.
Uncle Dave: King of the board. He always has a LOT to say and real life experience to back it up.
Donny Pesce: A great bud in NJ who I always enjoy chatting with. It was Donny who first tried to get me to go the Yamaha PSR route. I'm glad I finally listened.
Fran Carango: Many thanks for your continued friendship & support with EMC stylesworks. He's quiet guy, but he's always there when you need him.
Dan O'Neil: I admire his devotion and loyalty to Solton-Ketron keyboards. Look forward to seeing him at NAMM this week.
George Kaye: He's the most knowledgable arranger keyboard dealer I've ever encountered and he's always there to help out and answer questions on the board. It was because of George, that I was able to initially contact Sandro at Ketron to convince them to implement rootless style jazz chord voicing recognition in the SD1.

Don Mason: A true Southern Gentleman and loyal friend. A gentle giant with a warm heart. I'm glad we're playing the same keyboard (again).

Boo Hargis: The only 'real' hardcore jazz musician on the board. I studied jazz in college and had the opportunity to work with some jazz legends myself, but Boo has played in New Orleans with the BEST of
them all. Like Uncle Dave, I've gone more mainstream now, but still love playing jazz changes (now and then) and swingin' the beat on those great standards.
Deaton: East Coast meets the Beachboys. His band always sounds like they're having a good time. Great fun music. Thanks for the CD.
Paul Ip: Haven't seen him around lately, but perhaps he's lurking. I Always appreciate his input here, particularly his valuable midi knowledge.
Joe Waters, Bluesplayer,Larry (Beakybird), Carlos Rodrigues: My new PSR2000 buddies.It's great to have friends who share the same KB as you. Since the PSR2000's my first Yamaha arranger, I really appreciate the experience these guys have with the Yamaha PSR line.
Denny (dlstarry): He's devoted to his Yamaha 9000pro and rightfully so. Denny, I enjoyed your rendition of the 'Steel Guitar Rag'. Congrats on getting your MP3 recording setup up and running too.
Charlie Wong: Great to meet another Asian (Chinese) American on the board. Both talented and all around nice guy. Wishing him great success with his music writing pursuits.
EricB: I feel real bad that I didn't get a chance to meet him during the New Years holiday. Unfortunately , I came down with a bad sore throat on the morning of our scheduled visit at TomTomSF's place. I really needed to recover for the upcoming New Years Eve gig 2 days later. I hope we can still meet at a later date and hear your Carlos Santana rendition on the 9000pro.
TomTomSf: I met Tom about a year and 1/2 ago when he first got his Technics KN5000. He came over to my place and we had fun going over the arranger's features, & playing music.
Rube: Haven't seen him posting here lately but he a real mellow guy who lives in Puerto Rico and even made a special custom key chain (with my name engraved) for me (along with his CD). MANY THANKS.
Nigel: Without this guy, this board would never have been possible. MANY thanks Nigel for his continued friendship & support, including keeping the board up and running and time clock in sync as well.
I'm beginning to think we need to have an annual convention get together at this point because I could go on listing many other terrific people here: Linda, Tom Cavanaugh, John Smies, MikeH, GrahamUK, Clif Anderson, Bsharp, etc, but I guess I'd better save this for another day or I'll end up going 'on and on'.