Ok, now that you guys have helped me discover multi mode, channels are now working. However, there are two other issues at work. One I think I can figure out on my own, but the other I'm not sure about.
All the cool, lush sounds in Bank A that I want to use to record with are losing their 'punch' in multi mode. What I mean is, it sounds like everything is in mono or only one osc is being used. This isn't so evident in pianos/basses and stuff, but on the real rich sounds, it is quite evident.
Is this a limitation of my sound card (SB Live Value), a 'feature' in my sequencer I can turn off (Cakewalk 7), or a limitation of the Korg itself?
I apologize for the basic quesions. I am quite new at this and unfortunately, bought the 05R/W used without a manual. I do plan to get one soon, but trying to get some of this stuff down in the meantime