1. Click the play icon on the main screen.
2. Click the lead sheet icon on the main screen (the one with the connected eight notes tied together, it's the leadsheet window) the single eight note (it's the notation window) the notation is for doing notation not seeing the different leadsheet notes of the different instruments.
3. In the leadsheet screen at the top right you'll see the letters B,D,P,G,S,M,S
The B is for bass, The D is for drums, The P is fo Piano, The G for Guitar, S for Strings, M is for melody, and the last S is for the solo part.
If you can't find the two eight notes tied together icon, click to the far right of the main screen on one of the little arrows and that brings up other functions you can do and the two eight notes tied together icon may be hidden in there.
Hope this helps. You can email me,
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!