I'm not sure if it would be a compliment or insult to have myself compared to another singer (famous & re-owned or not). On one hand a compliment because of the association, but I prefer to be acknowledged for 'my own' voice & unique style.
I remember seeing a video documentary on Elvis Presley, where he recants that a record producer (Sun records?) asked him (before he was heard/discovered) WHO he sounded like. He replied: "I don't sound like nobody else, I sound like myself". Very telling response I'd say. Now half the world (Elvis impersonators) are trying to sound like him.

Afterall, there is and will always be ONLY one Elvis.
Though we all might sound similar to someone else (star) out there, I personally advocate each of us finding & devleoping our OWN 'voice' and UNIQUE sound. Though I can obviously hear the similarities between DJ's & Sting's vocal style, I also appreciate the vocal things that DJ does differently than Sting, and encourage him to set himself uniquely apart, developing his own sound with that. - Scott
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 05-03-2005).]