The computer midi connection is made thru the usb midisport 2x2 in conjunction with the (OMB)OneManBand software. You can use the demo program for this thru the midi setup.The demo program will not fully operate for more than 30 seconds at a time and this is not a problem because you dont have to run the complete program itself. All you have to do is set up the midi in and midi out. The 30 seconds does not interfere with this setup procedure. You can down load this demo program at the One Man Band Website for free. Click on settings then highlight the Midi in and check the Yamaha usb in 0-1 along with in-a usb Midisport 2X2. Then click midi out and set channel 1 to out-a usb midisport 2X2 You must also set your yamaha psr-2000 receive channel #1 to "keyboard" which must be done each time you power up your keyboard. You will need some basic understanding of your keyboard funtions to do this.This is a very simple process once you learn it. YOU CAN NOW USE YOUR 76 NOTE KEYBOARD AS A CONTROLLER FOR YOUR psr-2000 etc.