First off, Terry - if you happen to be reading this you may want to make a quick exit and immediately hit the back button on your Browser.

Here's the news from Yahoo's News Service wire:
Report: Diet Doctor Atkins Was Obese
54 minutes ago Yahoo News!
NEW YORK - Dr. Robert Atkins, whose popular diet stresses protein-rich meat and cheese over carbohydrates, weighed 258 pounds at his death and had a history of heart disease, a newspaper reported Tuesday.
Atkins died last April at age 72 after being injured in a fall on an icy street.
Before his death, he had suffered a heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing a report by the city medical examiner.
At 258 pounds, the 6-foot-tall Atkins would have qualified as obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention body-mass index calculator.
Diet is one potential factor in heart disease, but infections also can contribute to it.
Stuart Trager, chairman of the Atkins Physicians Council in New York, told the Journal that Atkins' heart disease stemmed from cardiomyopathy, a condition thought to result from a viral infection.
Atkins' weight was due to bloating associated with his condition, and he had been much slimmer during most of his life, Trager said.
The medical examiner's report was given to the Journal by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a group that advocates vegetarianism. The medical examiner's office told the Journal that the report had been sent to the group in error.
There was no immediate response Tuesday to a call seeking additional comment from the medical examiner's office.
The diet guru's widow, Veronica Atkins, was outraged that the report had been made public.
"I have been assured by my husband's physicians that my husband's health problems late in life were completely unrelated to his diet or any diet," she told the Journal.
Last month, Veronica Atkins demanded an apology from Mayor Michael Bloomberg after Bloomberg called her late husband "fat."
In April 2002, Atkins issued a statement saying he was recovering from cardiac arrest related to a heart infection he had suffered from "for a few years." He said it was "in no way related to diet."
Hmmmmmmm?? Seems like somebody let the cat out of the bag, no? And although I don't agree in a strict Vegetarianism diet either -(they said the medical report got into the "wrong" hands by mistake didn't they?

) I'm glad for the sake of the truth that the report was published nonetheless. And even though the 'Atkins' people say his health problems and obesity were not related to his Atkins diet eating habits, it still makes a person wonder. If they didn't want the report published at all - "it got into the "wrong" hands and was not suppose to be made public from what I gather" then would it seem unreasonable that their spiel about it having no relation to his diet (Atkins diet) could also be maligned and untrue also? You know, for the sake of M-O-N-E-Y perhaps? They've built an empire and their getting filthy rich from it. Do you think they want their empire to evaporate? Not on your life! PS: These are my thoughts about the whole thing and are my opinions, okay? I can hear the 'flames' starting to spew forth already...
So anyway, this confirms my suspicion to an even greater degree about the Atkins diet and all it entails. Sorry if I offend any of the Atkinites on the Forum and any Vegans but it's better to be cautious and on the safe side and look at things from an objective opinion instead of falling in line (Yes Sir!, Sir!!) and taking something hook line and sinker and supporting something to the 'death' if need be all because of some pre-conceived notion that because "I'm on the diet and I'm losing weight therefore it must be okay for me" type mentality.
As it has been said: The Truth Will Set You Free. And my response to that is: "Long live the Truth!"

Instead of:
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 02-10-2004).]