There are actually "63" new Technics KN7000 Styles (total that is). Joe said there were 70 (total) but there's actually only 63. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
Btw, I tried a couple out and have to admit they do sound extremely good. At least the ones I tried anyway.
Kudos to the person or persons who took the time and effort to give us these fine new Technics KN7000 Styles!
Thanks Gary for alerting other Yamaha Arranger owners to this great find..
I've said it once and I'll say it again; the great thing about owning a Yamaha Arranger is the incredible third party support on the Net for Styles and even Software programs from the likes of Michael Bedesem and others.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 09-19-2004).]