Hi Chony, thanks for your response and support. Considering nobody else replied, I wonder how much interest there is to my situation. Well, I hope there is at least a little more sympathy for me know, cuz I got more BAD news to report.
I just returned home from the second 70 mile round trip drive I had to make to the keyboard repair shop, this time to 'pick up' my Tyros keyboard, which underwent the USB Port board replacement modification.
After hooking my Tyros back up to my computer via USB, to my horrible discovery

, the Tyros' USB Port connection still doesn't work.

I immediately called Yamaha USA hardware techician, Jason Lee, the guy Steve Deming had earlier refered my case to, and he advised me that my only recourse now is to ship my keyboard back to Yamaha USA in Buena Park, CA, and that he would then attempt to fix the problem directly at Yamaha.
I just got back from my local 'packing & shipping store, and it's costing me $85 to have it both custom packed & padded in a large box (to fit both the Tyros as well Kases Porter keyboard case (to provide added protection) via UPS, and insured for $2,500. Unfortunately, Yamaha will not cover the shippping to their facility. Of whatever good news I can get out of this, Jason promised me (to expedite a quick turnaround) he would get started on this repair job the same day he receives the keyboard.
In the meantime, I'm NOW without the keyboard I rely on for work.

Luckily, due to the generousity of friends, I'm able to borrow their PSR2000 keyboard to gig with for the next week or so. Thank goodness I saved all my old PSR2000 styles & registrations on floppy, as well as the PSR2000 Music Finder file which can be loaded into the borrowed keyboard. Even so, this is going to be more than a little inconvenient & awkward to have to do my gigs for the next week without my Tyros because I rely on Tyros specific registrations bank files for much of my show, and unfortunately Tyros Registrations & Music Finder Files will not play on the PSR2000, or even the PSR3000 for all that matters.
Ok, I think I'm ready for a stiff drink right now, but I suppose it wiser to take an aspirin instead. As always, I promise to keep everyone posted on the lastest developments. Ok, I guess I better start getting used to playing those 'cheesy spongy' keys again.

I have to admit that how this whole scenerio turns out will determine what future keyboard(s) I get next.
- Scott