Originally posted by Keith W. Bailey:
We do not know each other, but I feel that I do! You have ability to use any keyboard and please anybody! You are talented, yet not stuck-up and will help anyone. We value you and appreciate your input.
Your kind words have lifted my spirits greatly. Thanks Keith for your support. - Scott

Many thanks to everyone else who responded (both here and via private email) as well. I just received a telephone call a little while ago from Steve Deming (Yamaha USA) and confirmed to him that even after the recent USB Port hardware upgrade performed on my keyboard, I'm still getting no Tyros/PC 'USB recognition' in BOTH of the two possible Tyros to PC USB connection modes:
1) USB-Storage Mode (HDD)
2) Yamaha 'File Utility' software vers 1.2.0 program
I also confirmed with him that Jason Lee (Yamaha USA repair technician) has now given me a Return Authorization Number, and that I am sending my Tyros today to Yamaha USA for evaulation & repair.
Originally posted by drdalet:
This stupid USB problem Scott's Tyros has should be handled by Yamaha on their costs. It should have been fixed a year ago.
drdalet, Unfortunately, the first obstacle was the challenge of getting Yamaha to acknowledge a problem in the first place. The next step was convincing them to correct it, and the last step is waiting for them to finally take corrective action. Unfortunately, this process has taken over a year. As far as repair cost goes, Yamaha has agreed to foot the bill for parts & labor, and return shipping back to me, but I must bear the cost of shipping my keyboard to Yamaha ($85).
Originally posted by drdalet:
Scott should be given a replacement Tyros so he can carry on until his own Tyros is fixed.
I presented this request to Yamaha USA (Jason Lee) and he told me that Yamaha USA does NOT provide customers with loaner keyboards. In addition, I was also advised that Yamaha will not (under any circumstances) provide customers with a 'new' REPLACEMENT keyboard, and that the only thing Yamaha is willing to do is replace exisiting parts until the problem is resolved. I supposed, contrary to Chico's experience of receiving a brand new replacement keyboard from Yamaha, Yamaha USA does things differently

then Yamaha Brazil. I only wish I was living in Brazil now.
Originally posted by drdalet:
Yamaha acts like the USB is something special that needn't be working.
I'm not sure if I'd go that far, but for me (and many others I'm sure), USB connectivity is definitely an essential feature of the keyboard, especially for those of us with optional hard drive installed. I view transfering Tyros files to/from my PC & backing up the Tyros hard drive an essential (daily routine) activity, and anything short of being able to do this, an invitation to disaster (ei: hard drive crash).
As my patience grows thin (I'm actually known for being a pretty patient guy), I'll continue to remain hopeful that Yamaha will be able to quickly find a solution to my problem, so I can finally get back to making music & gigging with my Tyros again, afterall, I really do love this instrument otherwise. Stay tuned.