#179548 - 02/21/04 01:57 PM
Roland V-Combo VR760 review
Senior Member
Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Forget about the other people that reviewed this keyboard, basically they must be button pushers. .here is the real scoop.. Hold on , here we gooooooooo..
First up... This keyboard is built to last.. High quality construction..
Excellent keyboard feel [water fall keys, even a slight yellowing color like Hammond's B3], velocity and aftertouch[adjustable]..
The sounds are terrific.. Great organ[same as VK8], all the adjustable parameters on board..
Acoustic pianos are very good.. Electric pianos are absolutely the best, period..
If you play the one touch preset Acoustic piano, you may not be overwhelmed [although I like the preset], but with all the adjustable parameters including, mic placement, stretch tuning, and MFX,,you can make your perfect piano.. likewise the Electric piano..
The Electric pianos are amazing [they will bring tears to your eyes remembering the "good old Rhodes days"].. The piano waves include 3 Acoustic pianos, 3 Electric pianos, Wurly,clav and Harpsichord..
The organ dept. simply the best hardware organs [better than the Hammond x2 and the Korg CX3]..
The synth generator has 6 categories, strings, choir/scat,brass,synth lead, synth pads,and bass.. each has 3 variations[18 total].. Don't be mislead thinking these are patches that were on the VK7.. These are high quality [96 mgbytes lineral]. .my favorite "scat" is there too.. Super clean, crisp sounds..
You can completely modify the waves to come up with great patches..
The Multi effects are excellent, all the parameters can be changed from the front panel, knobs and buttons, great real time playing...
Everything can be saved to a registration.. You have 64 registrations on board [nice factory registrations], You can save groups of registrations to Compact Flash memory [card not included]..
It is very quick and you can easily load 64 at a time for fresh registrations.
You can name/rename each registration and assign all the parameters including the rhythm, tempo and rhythm effects [24 patterns, 4 drum kits].. there is a dedicated start/stop button...
You can also assign the start/stop to the control pedal..
The rhythms cover most generes [no cha cha , rhumba etc].. some of the areas covered are, jazz funk,jazz,R B,blues, swing,4,8 and 16 bt pop, fusion,rock,5/4,7/8, Latin jazz,pop ballad, and acid jazz..
I hooked up my Roland CA30 antigue[no sound source arranger]. and played the drum patterns [including the easy eight card].. it gave me all the patterns , intros,endings and fills I would need...
You can split and layer sounds, and have seperate control to bring in or change the sounds with EV pedal..
Your synth generator includes portomento, mono and mono legato, 40 multi effects..
Each group has its own volume control besides the master volume control..
Each sound generator has its own editing knobs and buttons..
A 3 band EQ with sweepable mids [master], besides a Stereo EQ in the MFX..
Outputs are Professional... Super quiet XLR, L and R... Quarter inch left and right... both can be used at the same time.. Use the XLR to feed the house and the quarters to feed your monitor etc.. .V- link for video connections is available..
A user manual you can actually read!!!
The average person that goes into a store, and then just pushes the one touch buttons [prests], will never know how sophisticated and unlimited the V-combo is.. and keyboard sale people haven't a clue, to enlighten buyers..
As you can tell I am excited about the VR760.. with my laptop, I miss nothing. [sequences and MP3's play from my laptop and I play the VR]..
For quick request, the rhythm group works fine in a left hand bass and piano/organ environment.. And straight up organ --- Piano/EP, absolutely at the top..
Recapping my quest for a new toy that I like.. the PSR2100, you all know, key feel and quality??
EXR-5, too entry level for me, a great choice for first time arranger buyers.. the key feel is only slightly better than the PSR2100.. when I played the G1000 next to the EXR,it had to go..
Last week I also bought a Korg Triton Studio 76.. Korg's best effort... The name tells the real story.. "Studio", as a solo performing keyboard, it did not work for me..
If you are into Hip Hop[Squeak]/dance music, using loops and arpeggiators, it could be for you.. I found 80% of the sounds designed for hip hop, trance loop etc..
I finally found the real "Pro"keyboard in the VR760..
The best organ, pianos and great variety of synth sounds including my "scat", throw in a ryhthm and I am ready yo go...
If you need more synth sounds , you can add two SRX expansion boards and have the same editing features as the internal sounds..
Definately check it out, but get into the thick of it to really appreciate the "performers" keyboard...
BTW... There is a new feature called "active expression", used with a EV pedal, it adds new ways that the pedal will effect the patch [wait to you hear the Scat patch with this active expression set to timbre]..
Uncle Dave doesn't have a shot at this board [it;s mine], he'll have to buy his own...
[This message has been edited by Fran Carango (edited 02-22-2004).]