I spent an hour playing the G70 at my local music shop here in South Africa. When I had phoned the store they told me the list price was $5000 but that I could have it for $4000.
When I got to the store it was marked at "$3600 cash". So the price dropped fast in just a week.
Ok bear in mind that my previous keyboard was a Roland VA5. And bear in mind these are my personal views..... :-)
The G-70 is a huge impressive looking keyboard at nearly 1.3 metres long and quiet heavy but I'm afraid thats where it ends. Its color screen is not as bold and clear as the Tyros. The screen is a big improvement on the VA5 though.
I played alot of sounds and I personally think they are useless (SHAME ON YOU ROLAND). Almost all the sounds are the same as the VA5 with just a few new sounds thrown in. I would like to know where did all that 192mb of sound go to. My VA5 had 48mb and yet they sound alike. I tried the flutes,guitars,sax,piano, even that much acclaimed piano called "The grand X" and I have to say they were crap compared to the tyros I tried out last week.
Look when I had my VA5, I enjoyed the sounds because I hadnt had those sounds before...After some time I tested a Tyros and it blew away the VA-5. Now I thought this G-70 would have sounds that could rival the Tyros but alas to me ....it doesnt even come close..simply because this huge keyboard is just a re-designed VA7 in a way.
Yes there are lots of editing features, the vocal harmony is better than tyros, lots of buttons, but sounds are most important to me......who needs a good looking keyboard if the sounds arent as good....(Tyros looks awesome and sounds awesome)
The drum kits are the same as VA-5 with a new new kits added.
The styles are improved over the VA series but do not have that "in your face" power of the tyros styles...
This keyboard is DEFINETLY not for anyone who does not like the sounds of the VA7. But if you liked the VA7 sounds, then you will like this G70.
I give it 3 out of 10 simply because it sounds crap.....I dont care how many features it has. I was so looking foward to this G-70....and Roland give us the same old sounds....
The G-70 is not in the league of the Tyros,Ketron SD1, Korg PAX...
Ok...send in those hate messages now

and yes... I will still use my username....
I was gonna get a tyros but I'm holding out for Tyros 2.