OK let’s put features and stuff aside and talk about sound for a minute.
There is a phenomenon that you haven't mentioned yet or talked about, but it is part of the equation.
Just like an old chair that you have become sooo accustomed to, we are sooo accustomed to the sound of a KB the longer we have it.
Because of that our brain tells us that this is what it supposed to sound like.
Believe it or not, but that is how our brain works.
I have been through this several times.
When you buy a new board you miss the old sounds and you are just not happy.
But as the weeks and month go by you become accustomed to the new sounds.
Then you go back to your old board and say to yourself mmmmh, pretty good for the time but... and you start liking the new sounds more. Why? Because you have gotten used to them.
And since you have gotten used to them, your brain tells you aah, this is what it supposed to sound like.
Then you hear another board from another company and your brain compares it and it says: that's not what it supposed to sound like.
And before you know it we have the old argument of which board is better.
Just like kids in the school yard.
Yeah not much different......

So in the end who cares as long as we are happy with what we got.
I know for most of us it is not easy to keep an open mind because of what I stated above.
If you bash any of the top brands right now, then you should really look at what I said and have your ears checked...

The G-70, PAX-1, E-80, T2 etc. are all great.
They have features and sounds that 10 years ago were unimaginable.
As I said it before: Of course I have my personal taste, but I always enjoy any contribution from any forum member and their board, no matter what brand.
I don't get it! What is everybody so afraid off if somebody likes another brand and wants to share this with us?????
Instead off being happy for him/her that they found what they looking for they get the run arounds like little children.
I scratch my head sometimes and I wonder if I'm dealing with educated adults here or with kids on the playground.....
Because that what this often reminds me off.
For me there is no greater joy then coming together here and share our music.
When we had our Synthzone jam up in San Jose CA, we were able to share our music from different brands with our fellow members. Oh, and what a blast we all had...
We all enjoyed each other so much and the music we shared.
So come on folks why can't we do this here on this board.
Come on what do you say....

A little love, kindness and compassion hasn't hurt anybody yet.
So I'll start first by thanking ALL of YOU for your continuing support and effort to share your music with the rest of us.

Jam on, and enjoy whatever you are playing.
It's ALL good.....

[This message has been edited by Eric, B (edited 05-13-2006).]