Originally posted by beachbum:
Hi Scottyee, Where is Tony W?
Don't know. Perhaps he's on holiday as Donny had suggested. I trust (hope) he's ok & he'll be back soon as he's really missed by MANY here (including me).
Originally posted by beachbum:
Thought, since Scott wanted to hear tunes he might like this one...Hope you enjoy...
DJ, this piece really caught my ears and kept drawing me back for repeated listenings. Your passionate vocals compliment Vinne's fasinatingly haunting arrangement mood. I liked the decscending piano arpegio solos followed by those disonant minor 2nds. DJ & Vinne: Nice collaberative work!
Like everyone else here, I too am interested in hearing more on how this song came together. Which (arranger?) keyboard(s) and what specific voice patches were used. Great choice of sounds btw. Were any auto-accompamiment 'styles' used, or was this song produced entirely with multi-track recording?