My last message was a little to broad. I am trying to use my external sequencer for recording, but so far I can only record one sound. That is, if I record differents patches, for differents sounds, during play back it plays all of them as the patch that is set to channel 1. When you record a track, during playback, the computer sends a signal via channel 1 to my Korg to change to the specific patch that the track is set to. So far I can't figure out how to make it play back multiple tracks back right as it switches to the patch set to channel one on the sequencer and plays all tracks as that patch, or sound. I am playing it back through my Korg N264, and am wondering if there is any way that the keyboard has the capability to play multiple tracks at the same time ( recorded separately on my external sequencer ) and play the appropriate patch that I want; not one patch for all. I guess you could say, play layered music.