Scott please dont have any sleepless nights over my reasons & personal choices wih my gear, There are more important things to worry about in this world. As for the Midjay I have said many times before the MJ is an awesome sounding Killer is a multi funtional, multi faceted piece of gear to accomlish many purposes in the performance of musical entertainment. As I also asaid many times it os not a full fledged arranger, it does however have many basic arranger functions but not enoiugh for me to perform at my full potential as Im used to...... I will always recomend it & tout is as such to anyones who does a superb job in the right hands & in the right situations. As you well know I have been a Yamaha player for years in the past using many of their KBs on stage, I have also used many other brands too with much success.......again talent & experience makes it that way much of the time. Ive been playing arranger KB's since day one professionally, I have always switched, sold, traded, rebought the same model etc etc big deal thats just me, bored? upgraded models? who knows when I feel the need I go for it.
TYROS 2 ? who knows maybe I'll pick one up and work with it, maybe I'll like it, maybe I'll dump it after a week? who knows?......decisions on gear take time in this business, you'll never know if you like it totaly unless you work with it. Scott you do your thing on stage & I do mine in a totaly different way there is no right or wrong....In the end its just either a Good Sound performance or Not!

Ive heard the T2 demos, seen the videos,& they do sound impressive......but will they make me happy for my needs on stage ?
I wont know unless I try it.....

hang in there Scotty me boy........
I'll surly keep you posted if & when I get a T2 this way we could brainstorm as Two pros should correct?