Originally posted by Dnj:
Yamaha would hopefully in future models include what the Pa800 has also....
MFD that saves ALL info including Transpose & the ability to play styles/smf/mp3s also....
Though I don't utilize smfs or mp3s when performing, I do need to ability to in auto accomp mode, QUICLKLY call up songs (from a large database 300-500+ songs) with appropriate style, lyrics, and settings (transpose,etc) automatmatically called up.
Assuming Korg's Songbook feature allows you to easily scan & search & (on the fly) call up song titles similarly as Yamaha's MFD does, but allows you save ALL saveable REG saveable settings (including trans), this is indeed a feature avantage of Korg vs Yamaha. I acknowledge the Yamaha MFD feature pretty much useless in actual performance because it can't store anything but the style and tempo. For that reason, I created 30+ banks of REGISTRATION BANK FILES (8 songs per file) and able to scan them and call up song with proper settings on that fly that way. Donny: perhaps you can share more information (detail) about the way Korg's "Songbook" feature works for calling up songs 'on the fly' in performance compared to the REGISTRATION BANK memory system I outlined on Tyros2.
Originally posted by Dnj:
be able to have a KEYBOARD transpose LOCK feature that currently Yamaha doesn't incorporate .....on You can set it for the current songs but when you change reg it reverts back to a default OFF setting Argggg!
Donny. Can you please provide more detail on the Korg PA800 TRANSPOSE LOCK feature? Tyros2 supports this but simply checking the Tranpose checkbox in Memory Contents and then activating the REG Memory "FREEZE" button.
Originally posted by Dnj:
These transpose features come in very handy when people sit in to sing in different keys.
Sit in to sing what? along to SMF playback or you providing live arranger mode accompaniment keyboard playing? Though, like I said above, don't utilize SMFS myself, I would expect that the Yamaha Freeze button would work with SMF playback as well, no? Thanks for your insight.