Nigel, Out of curiosity here, just what do you consider direct attacks? What is the criteria? I have not been a major contributor here, my experience and information to share about keyboards and arrangers is very limited, so I try to give very little advice and a lot of support where I think it will do the most good. It seems that I have befriended both Scott and Fran and both have given me help and support when I have asked for it. I believe that you will remember when you banned Fran the first time for an infraction of the rules it was I who chose to be a mediator and try to help get Fran reinstated to the forum over private objections from a few of the members. I had talked to Fran and DNJ about the problems on this forum and Fran promised me that there would be no more antics and posted an apology, I then went to you and asked you to please reinstate him because I thought that losing any member
of this forum would be utter shame. You agreed and Fran assured me that there would be peace and you reinstated him. I posted after DNJ wrote me and asked for help with Fran, "tony we need help on sz again fran is acting up helppppp" so I posted a note to Fran to Knock it off that I didn't want to regret asking you to reinstate him the last time, well you pulled that post for your own reasons I'm sure, however, now Fran is back and Scotty is gone. I know that
life isn't "fair" and I'm not going to play that card but we have lost a very valuable contributor to this forum. Tomorrow marks my 2nd anniversary to this forum that I hold very dear and it saddens me deeply to see any one leave for any reason much less get driven off or away because of gruff personalities. Personally, I like both of these members and don't want to see any one
depart, now we have other members leaving or who have left because of the way things were handled. I have sent Fran a private message to which he has not responded, now I am to think that I am not worth a reply from him because of my stand. Has it gotten to the point here that we are like school yard children that have to chose whom we wish to defend or associate with. DNJ made a post about now I know who our friends are,
why does it have to come to this on a forum
of adults who come together from the start
about MUSIC. This is asinine to continue this way especially in light of the approaching holiday season. This is not keeping with the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS, fellowship, love of mankind, camaraderie
and just for being alive to share the music.
Let us not be hateful of one another but grateful of one another to be as one group
a family. This is but one reason the world is in the stare that it is in....HATE... leave it at the door or lose it altogether.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let us reunite and
start this season and the new year on a new
NOTE, a musical note if you will....sorry for venting....I want to celebrate the start of my 3rd year here with my SZ family