Hi squeak_D,
I Started out about a year ago with a qy100 bought new. I used my alesis qs6 as a controller. I liked it's size. versatility etc for a short while then it's shortcomings started to seem more and more pronounced. It is not really a dedicated sequencer and it's not really a dedicated arranger. Though it is a little bit of both, I found it dificult to get comfortable with. I was very happy the day I traded it in at GC for my wk 3000 and a 32 mb smart media card. Just 3 months after I bought it. Sequencing I do on my pc, and the wk as an arranger blows the qy100 out of the water. The sounds on the qy, even with editing, never were comparable to the casios imo.
You have the wk, and you like it. I do not know why you want the qy100. You can sequence on your pc way easier and I do not think you will be satisfied paying as much as you will for the qy as a sound source.
I was very fortunate to buy a psr 2100 from a forum member here at sz for as good a price as you had from Gary. At first, I thought it was not as good sounding as the casio, but that was just initially. After the first week, I've never even wanted to plug the casio in again. I just shipped my casio to the ebay winner and am using the funds recieved to buy the logitech Z-5500.
I am not exactly sure what you are in need of or what you are after. I do think your musical tastes run a little bit differently than mine, as you are a bit younger, I think in your thirty's?
One thing I will suggest though, is that you really make sure ahead of time that what you get next, you will keep and make good use of.
Your wife will be more upset at your buying something and still not being satisfied than she will be due to the size of whatever you buy. Those are words of experience talking.
She does not want you continually wanting/buying something new! And, she is your most important audience! You need to keep her happy.
Best of luck to you,
The old Newb