I know with the WK3500, one can save a user song (sequence) to the floppy disk as a SMF file (SMF0). This then makes the MIDI file very portable and probably executable in other sequencers that can read SMF0.
My question is about the WK3000. Since it doesn't have a disk drive, one can save the user song (sequence) to the smartmedia card as an SMF0, BUT is there a way to then read this file from the smartmedia card say into a computer based sequencer? I seen at
http://music.casio.com casio has a program but from what I read it doesn't specifically state yes or no. I'd hate to buy one of these WK3000 (because I ruled out the Yamaha DGX models) only to find I needed to spend another 150 bucks for the WK3500 just for the disk drive for the purposes explained.
Thanks to anyone who can help me out. Ya see a need a small board with speakers just to hack around with but if I happen upon a good riff I want to save it, and transefer it off to a computer based notation/sequencer program.