Hope I'm not making a huge mistake. The 900 is a remarkable board and sounds sooooo good live through my Eons. The medleys flow so perfectly and the simple arrangements (styles) are what I'm thinking I'll not find elsewhere. When I speak of another board to my audience, they think I'm crazy
zuki the experimenter
Live: Korg PA4X/EV Everse 8s/Senn 935/K&M stand
Studio: Korg PA4X/Yamaha DGX670/Nord 6D73/Boss BR900CD/Tascam DP24SD/MTM Iloud/Sony C80/AGK 214/ATEM Mini Pro switcher/K&M stand
#184875 - 10/19/0705:09 PMRe: The Same but Different ! ?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by zuki: Ian,
Hope I'm not making a huge mistake. The 900 is a remarkable board and sounds sooooo good live through my Eons. The medleys flow so perfectly and the simple arrangements (styles) are what I'm thinking I'll not find elsewhere. When I speak of another board to my audience, they think I'm crazy
zuki the experimenter
Is there any way of trying this new instrument without relinquishing your S900 until you are sure you want to make the change?
Unfortunately, I sold my 900 and await my new board next week. I have to literally play by the seat of my pants while I learn it. I'll have to pull all nighters to put my songs in registration, in a completely different format - yikes
I'm not divulging the info just in case I don't like it and have to ditch it fast (and I will).
Live: Korg PA4X/EV Everse 8s/Senn 935/K&M stand
Studio: Korg PA4X/Yamaha DGX670/Nord 6D73/Boss BR900CD/Tascam DP24SD/MTM Iloud/Sony C80/AGK 214/ATEM Mini Pro switcher/K&M stand
#184877 - 10/19/0706:16 PMRe: The Same but Different ! ?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Wow! I've had to do that on some clinics where a new keyboard arrived at the store the same time I did...but I was was dealing with a Yamaha OS that was pretty much the same from year to year and model to model.
You certainly like living on the edge, Jim...my guess it's a Korg or Roland(what else!)since you say the format is different.
Originally posted by zuki: Unfortunately, I sold my 900 and await my new board next week. I have to literally play by the seat of my pants while I learn it. I'll have to pull all nighters to put my songs in registration, in a completely different format - yikes
I'm not divulging the info just in case I don't like it and have to ditch it fast (and I will).
Zuki I never thought you would keep the s900 at least you were lucky enough to get a good one on the first shot.... so what the big secret fess up boy.... what ya get now?
#184879 - 10/19/0707:24 PMRe: The Same but Different ! ?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Dnj: Zuki I never thought you would keep the s900 at least you were lucky enough to get a good one on the first shot.... so what the big secret fess up boy.... what ya get now?
I guess this statement by Zuki must have clued you in....
"Just finished with 6 out of town jobs in 2 days. The 900 performed brilliantly. The audience loved the sleek look and fabulous sound and really didn't think it looked cheap. It's how you present things I guess. They love it because I talk it up. I can't understand some forum members' dislike with the plastic and smaller footprint. That board is an absolute dream to play and navigate live. It's hard to imagine another board being as fluid in its functions. I am afraid to wander...."