Hi all,
Been a little busy lately so have not been around too much. However I found this little prog and thought some of you might find it as useful as I have.
It is a tiny freeware prog called Evil Lyrics. Basically you type in the song and/or artist you are looking for and the lyrics appear in the box. It is very quick (a couple of seconds from typing to displaying the lyric). The download is tiny (about 600kb I think).
There is loads of other stuff it can do as well but I have not got that far yet (I told you I was busy
It is totally spyware free as well (I know cos I checked
Got to be good for free!
APOLOGIES..... I have just edited and removed the screenshot as I had not realised but the lyrics shown contained bad language! I do know some of you would find that offensive so I removed it HOPEFULLY I did it quick enough so that no-one saw it. There is enough strife in the world without me adding to it! LINK.....
http://www.evillabs.sk/evillyrics/ Hope you find it as useful as I do.
Best wishes
www.tonywmusic.co.uk [This message has been edited by Tony W (edited 07-26-2005).]