I have a T3 (which is nothing more than the 61 key version of a T2) I've worked a lot with the 01-W and am familiar with both board's sounds. Basically, your question depends on which version of the T2 you're looking at. The "EX" versions allow you to load PCM waves from the disk, in which case if you don't like the built in piano samples, you can simply find others that sound more suitable to you. As for whether the T's piano samples sound better than the 01/w, the o1/W has a cleaner sound overall, but if you're not happy with the piano samples in that board... tough, that's all ya got. If piano samples are crucial to you and you already have a midi keyboard, look for someone selling an SG1 rack module, the piano, and E. piano sounds in that module are killer!
James Ely