If you folks remember from a previous posting of mine I was looking for new music writing software. I received many good suggestions. I ended up buying Cakewalk Music Creator 2002 at Staples.
It is billed as being ideal for singers and songwriters. After spending a few days using it I couldn't figure out how to tie notes together, use 1st and 2nd endings, D.S. al Fine, codas and so on. I decided to email their support.
Cakewalk support told me that the software would not do those things. If I wanted to do that stuff I should buy something else.
I feel that their advertising is false and misleading. I asked for my money back. Cakewalk has not responded.
How can you write music if you can't tie notes together? The ability to tie notes together is a necessary tool that is basic. I have an attorney friend that I may consult. The actual damage is only 30 bucks but punitive damages could be interesting. At least Yamaha is doing something. Cakewalk said too bad so sad. AS my grandpa used to say "Damn a robber that don't have a gun".
Check out their website at
www.cakewalk.com. Select music creator 2002 and see if you don't agree that their advertising is false.