Ok folks. Just to let you all know that I'm doing just fine.
I had just slipped away for a few days to enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays with my family.
Sorry if I disappointed anyone here, but I haven't jumped ship, nor was I thrown over. Believe me, I'm the last person here who will let ANYONE (except Nigel) throw me off the SZ ship. As one of the senior SZ members (6+ years), of who also holds the title for contributing perhaps the most (as evidenced by the number of posts: over 7,000 !
) I have no intention of abandoning or leaving the many wonderful arranger kb friends I've made here thru the years.
Many thanks to all those respondents here who have seriously inquired about me. As far as the DELETED
thread posting replies from DNJ and kbrkr (of which I unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately) never had the chance to read, and to which Tony Rome is saying was sarcasm, I only wished DNJ & Al hadn't deleted them, so I could have read it for myself, to come to my own conclusions. This 'points out' how deleting postings/threads can often cause more problems than what was said in the first place, and stresses the importance of thinking BEFORE posting. I feel it would have been far better if Donny & Al added a followup reply instead of simply DELETING what was they said.
As far as the so called baiting goes, I've decided to ignore posters who I suspect are merely baiting me (or others here) to simply STIR up trouble. Then again, I appreciate good humor
as much as the next guy, just as long as it's not vicious or vindictive.
Ok, because of my upcoming holiday preparation & hectic performance schedule, I unfortunately won't be able to post regularly again until after the New Year. I do plan to read (keep up) with what's going on here though. In the meantime, If anyone wants to contact me, feel free to email me privately. I hope to be back participating here regularly again, as soon as the holiday rush is over.
Happy holidays to all.
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 11-28-2005).]