Im looking for a way to make my own Korg T2-ex samples.
There are a couple of ways of getting home made
sounds into a T2. This is what I found out until now.

1. You make your own Standard Sample Dump and dump it
to you T2. These are added to the drum sounds.
(not where I want to have them !).
2. You buy a (Korg DSM-1) sampler and make your own floppys'.
In this case use those sounds as normal "multi sounds(PCM)"
and NOT as an addition to drum sounds.
3. You buy a Mac. and a program like ... and
write your own floppys'. I'v heard about that
but that is not an option for me since I do not
own a Mac. (multi sound usage as in option 2.)
4. You buy a produkt like Giebler Korg Disk Manager :
Two versions, 1 for "adding" and organising your sequences
and one for "adding?" your own PCM sounds.
I'm not completely sure about the last one.
I'd like to test that one before I buy one.
( where can I download a non Ensoniq test version ? )
( multi sound usage as in option 2. I think )
5. You get a diskimgage utility like QCopyPro and some
(diskimages ? where ?) "try" to make/restore your own diskimages.
Have found some images for DSM-1 but havn't be able to restore
them correctly (help is welcome)
6. Go to a Music-store and ask if they have any T2. floppy's lying around.
6. Don't try and just buy a new synthesiser.
7. Your option, I hope.

If anyone knows "the" answer, please post.

Thanks in advance.