CLARIFICATION: This is NOT an official SD1 OS update release. It is a 'BETA TEST' version which Sandro sent to me to test out the newly implemented jazz style rootless chord recognition feature. After installation, the OS version still reads 1.0A. Preliminary reports I got from Roel show that this update DOES recognize all of the rootless voicings I originally requested (except one). I am delighted because this one exception (F-A-B-E = Fmaj7b5 instead of G13) is not so important because F-B-E is already recognized as G13.
My only question NOW is are these 'rootless' chord voicings recognized in BOTH "full keyboard" AND "split keyboard" modes?
ALSO, Another important test to perform is to verify that these SAME chord voicings are recognized properly in all OTHER keys as well. Such as:
'Left hand' chord voicings in 'full' and/or 'split' keyboard modes:
G - D - F# : Em7(9)
G - C# - F#: A13
F# - B - E : D69
Bb - F - A : Gm7(9)
Bb - E - A : C13
A - D - G : F69
A - Eb - G : F7(9)
E - Bb - D : C7(9)
D - Ab - C : Bb7(9)
Two handed chord voicings in full keyboard mode:
Ab - D - G C - F - Bb : Bb13
(left hand) (right hand)
F - B - E A - D - G : G13
(left hand) (right hand)
Perhaps Roel, Dirk, Henry, and AJ could report back the results of playing the above voicings . MANY MANY thanks - Scott

[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 07-25-2001).]