Hi Jill,
Really enjoyed your performance of 'Only just Begun'. It is such a shame that the vocals were distorted
.....it was good but would probably been brilliant without the fuzz
I use Cool Edit Pro for recording. I find it really simple to use and when you have a voice like mine the really good effects on it are most useful
I had a look to see if they did a demo version so you could try it ...which they do. I did not know until I looked but Adobe have bought out the company so now cool edit pro is called Adobe Audition! you can find a demo version that lasts for thirty days here...
http://www.adobe.com/products/tryadobe/main.jhtml#product=92 It is quite large (30 odd m/b) So I hope you have dsl or cable!
Alternatively there is a really good multi track prog called N-Track Studio which I always used to use that is every bit as useable as cool edit. The difference is that cool edit cost about $299 whereas N-track costs $45 to register. They also do a demo version at ....
http://www.fasoft.com/ It would be a crime not to have you record your music at it's best. You have a really nice voice. Also both the above progs will convert to any of the current music standards like mp3 or wav so they really do everything you need in one package!
Keep those files coming
Very best wishes to you