I hope nobody will be offended by the following remarks. They reflect just my own humble observations based on a series of tests and an information from the hotline I once received. I would love if somebody could show me where I'm thick: the way
I have to create midifile causes me sometimes some head-shaking.
My own procedure to work with the SD1 I described in this old thread:
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/003059.html I think there IS a difference in controlling the SD1 with a midifile or with an accordion:
The SD1 has 2 soundgenerations, each one has its own 16 midi channels. One is used by the SD1 internally or MIDI INPUT 2, which is set by default to INTERNAL, one by a midifile
or MIDI INPUT 1, which is set by default to GM. (I hope I didn't mix it up, as I don't have the manual with me in the office). This has the advantage, that one can play a midifile and play life completely different sounds on the keyboard.
Using an accordion means, that one uses external keys instead of the SD1 own keys, but the sound is selected by the normal buttons on the SD1; the accordion's midi logic doesn't submit sound information.
Using a midifile means, that every channel is carrying the information what sound shall be selected. Out of the 5 (or 7) banks with preset sounds only banks A - C can be selected via a midifile (I was told and it seems to be true). Valid for defining a sound patch in a midifile are not the preset banks A - C mentioned in the manual, but the GM banks A - C (the following pages in the manual). If one compares the sound definitions of the preset banks A - C with those of the GM banks A - C, one realises, that there a slight differences: not all preset sounds exist in the GM tables and for those which exist, the sound number doesn't necessarily correspond. After this confusion there is a next one: there are preset sounds which correspond 1:1 to a GM sound,
others are made out of 2 - 3 GM sounds.
Recording e.g. a PIANO sound with the internal sequencer (irrespective whether played with the SD1 or an accordion) shows, that the original nice one-button-sound is spread over 3 tracks / channels on the midifile (see DAN.2000's post) with 3 different GM piano sounds). It is possible to generate a midifile with the original PIANO sound, provided 3 tracks / channels playing simultaneously the same notes are programmed the same way, as the internal sequencer shows these 3 tracks: assignment of GM sounds, effects, panning etc. must be equal. If one records a preset sound, which is made of sounds of the preset banks D, E, F e.g., the sequencer takes corresponding sounds from the GM banks A-C. All that causes me sometimes head-shaking.
Sorry for the long thread, if anybody knows a better work-around I'd love it. (I apologize to Ketron_AJ if I misunderstood the whole concept!)