#191238 - 09/19/02 09:31 AM
Tyros or Genesys
Registered: 04/24/02
Posts: 191
Loc: Sonnega, Friesland, The Nether...
Hi all!!!
My music teacher is going to buy a new keyboard, She wanted to buy the new Genesys, but she didn't know about the Tyros yet, But I have told her about the Tyros, After reading the specs of the Genesys and Tyros, I think the Tyros is a more appropriate keyboard for her, Because she gigs often, although she going to use her WK4 for most gigs, she wants to use her new keyboard for bigger gigs. I think the Tyros is better for gigging because it is much lighter. The Tyros is cheaper as well, The Genesys offers a lot of extra's, like a CD (re)writer, and it has internal speakers. But she already has a CD-(re)writer in her pc, and she is using external speakers as well. But I've heard the demos of the Tyros and the Genesys and I think the Tyros sounds better, but I have to play both of them to judge them properly. So has anyone played both of them?, and what do you think is best? I would really appreciate if someone would tell their opinion about this.
Greetz, Marcel
#191241 - 09/19/02 12:56 PM
Re: Tyros or Genesys
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Don, You're right about the release date for the Tyros here in the US.. That really sucks too.. There stuff is so much better over there and they have different versions of keyboards they don't offer here in the US.. Here's a good example.. Yamaha had the EX-5 selling here in the US, and it was a metalic blueish keyboard.. Well overseas they had the same keyboard but it was in a silver version and had a few more things added to its specs.. It was much better looking than the US model.. Actually if anyone can do a search, go search for Yamaha EX5S... If you do you'll see where the 9000 Pro got it's body remake from.. Hoepfully you can find one that has angled pics because you'll see the same placement for the floppy and nearly identical end caps.... Plus it's silver... Again we in the US didn't have access to this keyboard.. Also anyone see the Oriental version of the Roland EM-55 on any US sites yet? It's on the Roland UK site, but not on the US site.... We seem to get cheesed out on the keyboards here in the US.. Maybe some US companies should start banging out some nasty keyboards here in the US and make them available to us and not overseas
[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 09-19-2002).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#191246 - 09/19/02 03:05 PM
Re: Tyros or Genesys
Registered: 06/10/00
Posts: 76
Loc: UK
Hi there. I've heard both Tyros and Genesys and purchased a Genesys which I've had for 2 weeks now. Personaly I can't stand Yamaha styles or sounds and I've never rated the PSR range at all, so, Tyros wasn't even on my short list. The Genesys MP3 demo's are mainly latin inspired on Gems site, but the demos inside the keyboard are far better and should be put up on Gem's site instead. The keyboard is very easy to use, sounds and styles are superb, it may be heavier than the competition but it certainly isn't too cumbersome to carry about. The CDRW is superb to use and you get excellent recordings, MP3 playback is great, the vocaliser I find better than on the SD1.... Too many things to mention about Genesys, I like it. The real time sliders make changing sounds when playing live, far quicker than any other keyboard I've seen. Listen to both, but at the moment Synthzone seems to be too opinionated towards Technics and Yamaha. I always associated Gem as being an organ company and behind the times, but now I have one, they are definitely up there with the rest and have produced a great arranger. I also own a Ketron SD1, Roland G1000 and Kurzweil K2500.