Hi everybody.
I am studying hard on my PSR3000 and it is great. In the last few weeks my skills have improved and I am building a repertoire. Playing an arranger is new for me, and pressing the buttons in time and not getting mixed up with my fingers on the keys is really something I have to work on.
So I want to hear what I was playing without having to concentrate on the keys and the buttons. So I quick recorded it with the onboard sequencer.
Two problems emerged. I want to know if anyone had the same problems. Mind you: I made several recordings of styles in the sequencer and untill now ONLY the 16beat style (in the Ballad section) and the OTS settings I made myself, gave these problems.
To illustrate the problems, I made two recordings. While recording the style in the sequencer, I also recorded it (via Aux out) to my computer.
1. 16beatguitar. You can only hear the guitar (track 15, phrase 1), because all the other tracks were off. I just played 2 chords, so what you hear is the 2 chords recorded from the style, and after that the two chords played back by the PSR3k sequencer.
The guitar sound is totally different - and we're talking MIDI here !!
2. No reverb Also 2 little pieces: first you hear the style and after that what the sequencer made of that.
In the second bit you not only hear the annoying guitar, but when switched from variation D to C, there is no more reverb on the Soprano.
(you can not hear this, but first there WAS reverb on the soprano, but it vanished after I went to variation D and back !)
Any idea what is going on here ?
drdalet [This message has been edited by drdalet (edited 10-13-2004).]