Tid-bits ...
Bobby Darin's "Splish-Splash" was written in the studio in about 15 min. ...
Mel Torme's "The Christmas Song" was written in the recording studio also, as a 'throw-in' for an album they were recording in the dead heat of the summer ...
Gene Autry's "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" was originally a poem written by an ad guy for Department stores to hand out to kids at Christmas time ... the first year they gave out 2.5 mill copies of the poem ... Some years later Gene Autry recorded it as the 'B' side of another record.
Here is a site that gives stories about the origin of Christmas songs/carols...
http://www.carols.org.uk/ It'll be here before we know it !!!
Any others out there ???
[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 08-23-2005).]