Requesting help for the 9K Yamaha.
I now have some styles with ots sent to me on floppy disc. I am unable to load them into the 512 registration slots. The manual is vague (what's new), and nothing I try seems to work.
I can load in styles with the ots from the flash styles but not from the floppy disc that has both the style and the ots files.
I can load the styles with the ots into the flash styles. Do I have to load them first into the flash style slots and then load from there into the registration slots?
Any help appreciated, especially step by step help as I have just moved over to Yamaha PSR9000 from the Technics KN6000.
Thanks in advance for your advice and help.
Please E-mail me if your advice is too long and involved for a post, although several other people that have kn6/6500 have bought PSR9000 and they probably need help too and they are now reading these forum posts
Best to all from,