Originally posted by Cgiles
You may also squeak by if your professional musical ambitions don't extend beyond the local nursing home or perhaps the coffee shop next door to one.
Well, it's Monday morning so you didn't ruin my Sunday or Monday morning for that matter.
Here's my 2 cents:
Back in the mid 70s when I was an aspiring piano student it became very apparent I would be better suited to enter the business school at the University of Rhode Island than try to become a struggling musician playing "Classical Music" For most of my adult years I simply played my grand piano at home. Spending much of time playing things like the Pathetique Sontata (Bethoveen), The Revoltionary Etude( Chopin). Allegro Barbaro (Bartok). Pictures at an Exhibition (Mussorsky). Also had some fun playing some of the Emerson, Lake and Palmer stuff. Fun yes it was to me but much of that didn't appeal to many others. BTW, I swore I'd never play a song like " Tie the Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree" and other "Schmalz" That music was for others, not for me.
Fast forward to 1998 when my wife bought as a novelty a Casio $149.99 keyboard. I laughed at this toy but also discovered it could make lots of music. That summer I brought it along to a 4th of July party and everyone who heard it loved it. Later that year I bought another Casio Wk1300( I think that was the model). Then in 2000 I bought a Clavinova CVP 107. Wow, I was really having fun, even started to play "Tie A Yellow Ribbon."

When friends and family heard me play some comments were, why aren't you playing out every weekend, you sound real good. The answer use to be I have my daytime job and I'd rather have weekends off than to tie them up playing music. At the time my wife and I'd would rather be alpine skiing, training for a road race, triathlon or relaxing on the beach depending on the season.
In late 2004, I got tired of just playing at home for my wife and the dog.Eventually I bought a PSR 3000. I started marketing myself to nursing homes, coffee shops anywhere that would hire me. And I have played one coffee shop for tips only to gain a little experience and have some fun. Because much of playing music is for fun not a command performance for the King or Queen. I'm
averaging about 4 gigs per month now( enough for me when my average work week is 50 hours) . And my business is building, getting lots of repeat business and new as well. Maybe musical instrument manufacturers should just stop making these silly keyboards and keep me back at home on weekends where my wife thinks I belong anyway.