Once more the evil do-ers have got me again.
I had a gig on Saturday night in a lovely hotel in the South of England, was a great night except that I could feel a fever coming on (Flu/Throat infection) by the end of the night I felt rotten so was glad to get home and into bed.
I took my PSR2000 off the back seat of my car and indoors but my big mistake was to leave my stage clothing and my bag containing power supplies/mains leads/sustain pedal etc on the back seat of my car till morning..guess what!!!..somebody though they needed my clothes and cables more than I did so the stole them out the car...no doubt they were dumped when they realised the were of no value to them, but I have little chance of ever getting them back, so now I have to buy, before my next gig,
3 Stage waistcoats
2 Dress Shirts
2 Dress Trousers
2 Bow Ties
1 Set Cufflinks
1 PSR2000 Power Supply
1 Yamaha SO3 Power Supply
1 Sustain Pedal
4 HQ Signal Leads
2 HQ Speaker Leads
2 Mains Leads
1 AC Plug Board
Replacement value to me £200
Net value to the thief £ very little, which is what really anger's me...totally unnecessary theft.
Unforunately there is an epidemic of theft/burgulary/muggings in the UK so I should have known better and its not the first time I've been targeted, actually its the fourth time.
Had to share this with you, so take care of your gear and dont give the B******'s any oppurtunity to give you grief.