Originally posted by Idatrod:
Hi Dan. I had read several posts from people, even on this forum, that were having trouble with the SD1's OS locking up. I believe they had an earlier version of the OS though. The current version is 4.0b?? or so. Any way, it might be in 'luangrpp's' best interest to update his SD1 to the lastest version so he can get the benefit of all the bug fixes that the newest version offers, including those possible occasional lockups.
Best regards,
Hi Mike ,
Ketron made some mistakes .
#1. The XD series having remix features and the SD1 not having "remix" , kind of forced Ketron into this whole 4.0 release to begin with .
#2. The 1st OS (4.0a) was 14 floppy disk , many people ( including myself) had difficulties getting the new OS just right . 1 bad download or disk error kind of screwed things up . Lot's of trouble shooting from dealers and Italy .
You have to give Ketron some major points for having enough balls to say " we can change the whole keyboard via utilization of the hard drive and flash rom " . Not one company is using the hard drive the way Ketron does.
For me , 3.0 sounds and 4.0 features are the best fit . I can sincerely say that my customers have been having great success and loving their keyboards (plus , they get me

) .
I'm using my SD1 every week and still think it's a great keyboard .
Tyro's is a close 2nd . I really dig those multipads and screen . Glad I own my own store now , I can use both !
