Thanks Scott for those pictures! That means a lot to those who did not get to go to NAMM! I felt as if I got a sneak peek at the Winter NAMM 2002 conference!
The GENESIS is huge! I had no idea that it would be that massive...the speakers were VERY impressive (no need for an amplifier there) and I liked how the LCD screen was designed in the middle of the speakers. It looks very convienent to use, not to mention how effective it would be in a studio environment since it has a CD Burner already included. It is truly amazing at how advanced keyboards are becoming and the GENESIS is the most impressive keyboard yet!
By the way, I read your lengthy, detailed report about Winter NAMM 2002 and it was very impressive. Like someone else said, you should become a writer for a magazine, informing people about these big events!
Good job and thanks for the pictures. See you around on the forums,