Hey Scott! Yes, the GENESIS is a lot in one keyboard and it will be very interesting to see how successful it is in the future. I think that General Music got EVERYBODY'S attention with the GENESIS! It is loaded with the most amazing features, but will people buy a $4,000 keyboard? Hopefully GEM lowers the price on the keyboard to $2,000 - $2,500. But, overall, I am very impressed with General Music and they have showed the rest of the industry what they're capable of!
The only problem I think people are going to have with it are the price and possibly the weight, otherwise there are no complaints here!
About our website: My brothers and I have been running the site, trying to keep it productive with new information and materials about American Conquest the Real Time Strategy game. Thanks for asking and if you want to, you can check it out at
http://ptrnet.tripod.com/ac/ and stop by our forum and leave a comment! Our forum community has grown and we have had some very good discussions there relating to the game. I have to admit, it is very exciting to actually be a part of the development process of the game and receive new information and materials, such as screenshots and videos.
We realize that our site wouldn't be the same without our visitors, who contribute their thoughts, leave their comments, and ask questions pertaining to the game.
Also, just to let you know, I have been working on the MIDI keyboard and music technology website when I find the time. It may be a little longer before the site is up and running, but I'll be sure to let you know!
I'll feature Winter NAMM 2002 coverage on the site as well and keyboard specifications on General Music, Yamaha, Korg, and Roland keyboards too! I love keyboards and music, so I hope that this gives musicians something to look forward to, as it will be full of content relating to MIDI keyboards in general.
Well, thanks a lot for the care regarding my needs for a keyboard, I really appreciate that. Scott, if you find any good deals on a keyboard, pleeeease let me know! I need a keyboard that is under the $800 range, so if you can find any good deals please inform me! I am desparate for a keyboard, so I need all the help I can get!
Thanks a lot and see you around on the forum,